Friday, June 8, 2012


Russian sailor during Barents-2012

It seems as though the Russian Navy is doing a lot of exercises with a host of partners. As I wrote before I believe that this is Russia’s way of improving its reputation in the world. Because of the poor funding and accidents of the past 15 years or so the Russian Navy is not held in very high respect. However as they modernize their force the Russian Navy leadership is looking for ways to change the way they are viewed in the world.
Russian and Norwegain ships during an exercise

At the start of June  the Russian and Norwegian Navies kicked off another exercise called Barents 2012.
A spokesman from the Northern Fleet described the goal of the exercises,
“These exercises are aimed at searching for, saving and the evacuation of crew members of ships and aircraft that find themselves in SOS situations at sea.”
Russian warship sails to Baltic Sea for NATO naval drills
Amphibious operations during BALTOPS

The Russian Navy is also participating in BALTOPS-2012 in the Baltic Sea, and they just completed Farvater Mira-2012  with the Ukranian Navy.

Though not directly related to the Russian Navy, the news that the Russian built aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya  will start sea trails has a direct reflection on the state of Russian shipbuilding.

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